ANN: a new utility for Python developers

Skip Montanaro skip at
Tue Aug 21 08:56:09 EDT 2001

    Erno> time.clock() already measures cpu time on one platform (badly, on
    Erno> unix) and wall clock time on another (windows), no?

The limitations of Unix's CPU time granularity and the single-task nature of
Windows doesn't mean the semantics of time.clock should be broken to get
higher resolution.  Besides, what about NT?  Doesn't it distinguish between

    Erno> okay, not strictly wall clock time but cpu clock cycles.  but
    Erno> still something that doesn't stop running when you block or
    Erno> something else runs.

I'm not sure I understand this.  I assume you're just telling me that the
underlying Windows CPU timer functions are broken.


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