running a stand-alone executable from within a python program

Lyle Johnson ljohnson at
Fri Aug 10 16:39:26 EDT 2001

> Is there a way to run stand-alone executables from python?  It would
> be great if there was a way to do this independent of platform, but if
> not, these are my needs:
> Right now I have a stand-alone fortran 77 program that I want to run
> from a python program on a PC.  I will also be putting all of this on
> a mac someday soon (of course I will also be changing the fortran
> program some and compiling it on the mac).
> Future plans:  I'm not up to threading yet, but someday it would be
> nice to execute the fortran program on a separate UNIX box(es,
> parallel processing far in the future??) and pipe back the resulting
> text file to the PC or MAC client.

See the functions like os.system(), os.popen(), etc. in the standard
library's "os" module.

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