Reloading modules into interpreter

jsnyder trelis at
Sat Aug 11 18:46:57 EDT 2001

> > Running from Pythonwin, I am importing a module and then calling its
> > Then I change the module code and run it again, but the old code still
> > not the new code.  The only way I have been able to get the new code is
> > shut down the interpreter, restart it and reimport the module.  Surely
> > is an easier way.
> You may use
>   reload(module)
> if you earlier did
>   import module
> However, that would cause problems if some code had changed the module's
> contents and relies on them.
> Therefore, I use reload only for tests in the interactive interpreter.
> Stefan

That's exactly the answer I was hoping for.  Thank you!!


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