Turkish Pythoneers Sought - Announcement of new YahooGroup

Oktay Safak oktay_safak at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 26 14:28:58 EDT 2001

Hi all,

After subscribing to python-list at python.org some time
ago, I observed that *NO* turkish fellows seemed to be
posting to the list. Also I failed to find *ANY*
turkish python sites on the Web. I was contacted by a
turkish friend shortly after my first post and we
discussed what could be done about this situation. As
a first step a Yahoo Group was set up by him 

piton at yahoogroups.com

 A web site will also be set up, I hope, in the
following weeks (check turkpthon.port5.com from time
to time), which will be announced here as well. So, I
invite all turkish pythoneers reading this message to
join our group.

Snakely Yours,

Oktay Safak

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