Embedded Python and MySQLdb (was Re: PyApache and MySQLdb (was Re: anyone get one of the python apache modules to work with 2.1?))

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Aug 29 23:08:39 EDT 2001

    >> Sounds like something's fishy in your os module.
    Brandon> No, the module is unmodified and does contain the
    Brandon> AttributeError clause... but for some reason, it doesn't match
    Brandon> the AttributeError exception that is thrown.  If I replace it
    Brandon> with just except: to catch all exceptions, it passes until
    Brandon> further down where something else in os.py expects an
    Brandon> exception.

This sounds very odd.  If you print out sys.exc_info() inside the except:
clause what do you see as an error?  Is there anything unusual about your
install?  Does "make test" from your build directory run pretty cleanly?

Skip Montanaro (skip at pobox.com)

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