Experiences converting Python to C++

Nicola Musatti objectway at divalsim.it
Fri Aug 17 09:31:18 EDT 2001

Henrik Ekelund wrote:
> We have to convert a large system (10000 lines) written in Python to
> C++.

Wow! May I ask you why?

> Does anybody have experience with doing an actual conversion of a
> working Python prototype to C++? We will probably have to offer the
> work at a fixed price, so how many hours does it take to convert X
> lines of Python code to C++? Are there any pitfalls?

I have no experience with this kind of work, but a major pitfall seems
evident: Python and C++ have very different philosophies, so you should
be very careful not to write Python style C++ code.

By the way, this is a job I'd really like! Unfortunately I cannot

Nicola Musatti

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