Equivalent to Perl's Data::Dumper

Heiko Wundram ceosg at t-online.de
Tue Aug 14 11:06:32 EDT 2001

Hi all!

I have looked through all of the Python documentation for now, but I can't 
seen to find a module to do just this. What I'm trying to do is inspect a 
variable at runtime. I know pickle can do the job, but I can't/don't want to 
read the output it produces. dir or inspect.getmembers won't do the job, they 
don't run recursive (they just display the current members, nothing below 
that). Isn't there some readymade module to recursively look at a class or 

Otherwise I'll have to write one... ;)

Any help greatly appreciated!

Yours sincerely,

	Heiko Wundram

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