namespace confusion

Mark Robinson m.1.robinson at
Wed Aug 8 10:28:43 EDT 2001

Sorry, I didn't make that a very good example. I was really just trying 
to show the structure so you could see that I couldn't access the 
functions from one module, called by a function in a module other than 
__main__. Sloppy, sorry. Nevertheless, swapping


for my

from 'whatever' import *

solves my problem. I was just being lazy and trying to avoid typing the 
module names each time I called one of their functions


Duncan Booth wrote:

 > The example you posted has several mistakes, so it isn't immediately 
 > which are mistyping and which might be your actual problem.

 > But I think the real problem is that you are using 'from module 
import *'.
 > This form of the import statement makes a copy of all the variables that
 > exist in another module at the time when the import is executed. This is
 > very rarely what you want. It is almost always better to just import the
 > module and access the values when you need them. So becomes:
 > import first
 > def functSecond():
 > first.functfirst() #
 > and provided you actually define the function in first this call should
 > work.

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