I want to learn as much as possible

Relfx relfx at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 8 06:47:08 EDT 2001

I'm new to python but I have heard alot of good things about python.
I am currently a user mirc the internet relay chat client. But it is 
difficult for me to script in irc with python alot of the clients
support python and the one client that does it has alot of bugs. 

  If there are any irc users out there that script in python running
on windows98 I would really like some instance in buil;ding a irc
client of my own entirely in python. Is this possible? And what all
would I need ot achieve this goal? I have heard some people talk about
python active state version. I currently have python version 2.1.1 is
this all I would need or will python active state version for windows
be more of a necessity?


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