Finalization problems

Robin Becker robin at
Sat Aug 25 10:16:58 EDT 2001

In article <CTWRzJAoQnh7EwtC at>, Robin Becker
<robin at> writes
>A colleague reports finalization problems with a particular extension
>running under 2.1.1 and Solaris. The problems don't occur with NT. he
>reports sigabort right after the cleanup __builtins__ and before the
>cleanup ints. Both Python-2.1.1 and the extension are built using gnu
>The distinguishing feature is that the extension is used more than once
>in the cases when the abort occurs.
>Not having access to the corporate Solaris machine I can only ask what
>sort of things might cause this eg do I have to search for all known
>python variables looking to see if they are correctly ref counted etc?
>Are there any things I can try with the NT version?
OK I think after some hackish reference count exercises I found a single
stolen Py_None. I guess that could easily appear at finalisation time
and blow up the world.
Robin Becker

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