Progress on missing features?

Tim Peters at
Wed Aug 15 00:53:04 EDT 2001

[Dinu Gherman]
>>>  - class methods
>>> The first two could be considered quite important for making
>>> the language more complete in terms of object orientation.

>> If you reframe your thinking and do module-level methods instead,
>> treating a module as an object, you will have achieved everything
>> here that you ever need to achieve with a class method.

[Dinu Gherman]
> That sounds like a lot of people need to spend a lot of
> time to think how to implement something that is more or
> less a straightforward concept in other OO languages in
> Python.

Which concept is that?  "class method" means entirely different things to
Smalltalk and C++ programmers, for example.  2.2 supports both meanings more
naturally than in 2.1.  If you're familiar with only one of the meanings,
here's your chance to learn just how "straightforward" a concept the other
one really is <wink>.

modules-are-powerful-too-ly y'rs  - tim

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