ANN: Simple Newsgroup Searchterm Monitor (attached)

Alex Martelli aleax at
Thu Dec 6 09:11:32 EST 2001

"(Five Fresh) Fish" <root at> wrote in message
news:3c0fec5e.9446833 at
> You're perfectly, technically correct.  So what?  It's okay for someone to
> post 2000 lines of Python code, but unacceptable to post 10 lines of
> UUEncoded binary?  That's just bloody stupid.  There isn't a soul reading
> this group that's using a newsreader that's going to choke on the
> UUEncoding.

No, but for example a good news-server is set up to block any post with
attachments from ever showing up on a newsgroup that is not marked as
allowing attachments.

I wish the server I use was also set to block any post over a certain
maximum length.  These days, the right way to share substantial amounts
of information is to put the info on some (possibly free) webserver
and provide an URL -- IMHO.


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