Recursive update of arbitrarily nested dicts
maxm at
Sun Dec 16 05:42:43 EST 2001
"Jason Orendorff" <jason at> wrote in message
news:mailman.1008452899.18809.python-list at
> > I am writing a module where I am updating nested dicts, and it has this
> > method:
> >
> > def addDayToTrack(self, trackId, year, theDay, day):
> > if not self.tracks.has_key(trackId):
> > self.tracks.update({trackId:{year:{theDay:day}}})
> > elif not self.tracks[trackId].has_key(year):
> > self.tracks[trackId].update({year:{theDay:day}})
> > elif not self.tracks[trackId][year].has_key(theDay):
> > self.tracks[trackId][year][theDay] = day
> def addDayToTrack(self, trackId, year, theDay, day):
> """ Not the recursive solution you're seeking, but better anyway """
> trackDict = self.tracks.setdefault(trackId, {})
> yearDict = trackDict.setdefault(year, {})
> yearDict[theDay] = day
That was a _much_ nicer solution than my own, and pretty clever too. I did
know the setdefault() method, but it would never have occured to me to use
it like that. All in all it gave me a good push in the right direction to a
recursive version::
def rUpdate(self, targetDict, itemDict):
"Recursively updates nested dicts"
for key, val in itemDict.items():
if type(val) == type({}):
newTarget = targetDict.setdefault(key,{})
self.rUpdate(newTarget, val)
targetDict[key] = val
And event though your version is in fact simpler than the recursive one, I
think I will keep the recursive one in my toolbox as it's more general.
regards Max M
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