Problem with pipes (win32pipe)

RPM1 rpm1deletethis at
Mon Dec 3 18:44:01 EST 2001

I'm no expert but I have been struggling with popen2 a bit myself.
I think I've figured out that you can use the os module and the stat
module to help figure out when an input pipe has something in it.


import stat
import os

then you can see how many bytes are in the pipe by doing this:

count = os.ftstat(fin.fileno())[stat.ST_SIZE]

using a separate thread to read the data into a buffer when there
is something in the pipe might help too.  Maybe someone else
can give more definitive answers.

I've found that I can only open one set of pipes in Windows 9x
at a time.  If I open multiple sets of pipes the last one that I close
hangs.  Windows NT doesn't have this problem.

Also if the app you're calling is a 16 bit app, you may need to
create a dummy C app to create 32 bit standard handles to pass
to your app.  Search Google for Python and Bill Tutt to find posts
about this issue.

Sorry I can't help more.  I haven't gotten much help myself with popen2
on Windows here.  I believe Unix doesn't have any of these issues.

Good luck,

p.s. Please post any good info on Windows popen that you get.

"Jeremy Gibson" <augspies at> wrote in message
news:AE0A765CAD7C795A.6D9D4CCEA6456F4D.5012B73D9CEA4F92 at
> I am having a bear of a time trying to get my python program to talk to a
> windows process.  The program I am trying to run is call nrcmd.  It is a
> cisco program that is used for administering router clusters.
> Here is what I have done so far(BTW) the kludgey readlines are going to
> be replaced with some pattern matching I just wanted to get talking first.
> *****************************************************
> import os, win32pipe
> os.chdir('c:\\program files\\network registrar\\bin')
> fin, fout = win32pipe.popen2('nrcmd')
> c = 0
> while c < 6:
> fout.readline()
> c = c+1
> *****************************************************
> The output from this is:
> *****************************************************
> 100 Ok\n
> cluster = nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn\n
> default-format = user\n
> user-name = user \n
> visibility = 5\n
> nrcmd>
> *****************************************************
> At this point any fin.write() will be accepted without complaint, but
> nothing is happening.  If I attpempt to again the program
> hangs and must be killed.  I assume this is happening because I am
> attempting to read a null byte. The return from a successfull (or
> unsuccessfull) write should fill the fout buffer with something to read.
> I am sending newlines in the fin.writes I've tried and I've even tried
> sending \r\n since this is a windows machine I'm working with.  I've also
> tried fin.flush() after a write.
> If anyone has any ideas or thoughts on where I might find illumination
> for this problem please write to my email, or post to the group.
> Thanks,
> Jeremy Gibson

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