Help with TCL

Chris Gonnerman chris.gonnerman at
Sat Dec 29 10:48:51 EST 2001

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "~Jason~" <freebird317 at>

> I am trying to learn programming.  I am running XP Pro. and when I 
> try to run tcl I get the following error [File"<pyshell#0>",line 1, 
> in ? tclsh80 nameerror: name tclsh80' is not defined]  why am I 
> getting this error and how do I correct it.  I even changed it to 
> tclsh83 which is what the folder says my version is.

You are making a very common mistake.  No matter how hard you try,
you just can't type the names of executable program files at the 
Python >>> prompt and expect them to work.

Program files, i.e. *.exe under Windows, have to be run from the 
Start, Run dialog, by double-clicking the program file, or from 
the MS-DOS command prompt.  

Not that it's impossible under Python, just silly:

    import os

Note that THIS won't work if the PATH environment variable does not
include the path to the tclsh83.exe program file.

Windows programmers MUST learn to use the MS-DOS prompt, even if you
rarely visit it.

Is this a FAQ?  (I haven't looked.)  If not it should be.

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