/usr/bin/env: python: No such file or directory

Carl D. Roth roth at ursus.net
Sun Dec 16 15:34:11 EST 2001

==> "d" == ddidierd78  <ddidierd78 at netzero.net> writes:

    d> Hi, I am running redhat 7.2 and installed the following:

    d> python2.2-2.2b1-2.i386.rpm python2.2-devel-2.2b1-2.i386.rpm
    d> python2.2-tools-2.2b1-2.i386.rpm

    d> When trying to run a script, I get the following message:

    d> /usr/bin/env: python: No such file or directory

The stock redhat configuration uses python 1.5 as 'python'.  If you
can't find it, you should check to make sure your python package is
still OK.  Don't uninstall it, because it works alongside the python2
packages.  Your system administration tools that come with RHL
probably do *not* work with python 2.

If you want to run python 2 instead of python 1.5 on that system,
change the 'env' line to refer to 'python2' or 'python2.2'.

-- C

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