Issac issac at
Fri Dec 28 20:59:58 EST 2001

> Issac wrote:
> > Here's a networked drawing program for collaborative drawing with two
> > people.
> Wow.  I have tried various networking things, but never got any 
> of them to work.  This is cool.

Glad you like it :o).

> By the way, I make a slightly more full-featured drawing 
> program off the same base you used.(See my website address 
> below)  I think I will combine your netowrking code with my better 
> paint program.  Should be done soon... 

I have a bunch of items on the TODO for this program.  Would you like
to collaborate?

> Thank you,
> Jesse W

Sure!  By the way, netdraw 0.1.0 is attached.  This one has a separate server (
that allows an arbitrary number of clients to connect:

$ python & # server (non-graphical)
$ python &  # launch first client 
$ python &
$ python &

By the way, netdraw depends on threads, which are not present in cygwin's python.  
People on Windows running cygwin might want to download one of the non-cygwin versions 
of python for Windows (e.g., ActiveState) and make a symbolic link to it from /usr/bin
for convenience.  


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