Python on the desktop

Tim Hammerquist tim at
Fri Dec 21 12:08:13 EST 2001

Sarat Venugopal <sarat_venugopal at> graced us by uttering:
[ snip ]
>  1. If python is to permeate the realm of commercial desktop
> (in whatever scope),

I can't speak for our BDFL, but I don't think Python was designed for
a hostile take-over of world computer systems.

I thought the goal of Python (or any language, for that matter) was
to _be_ useful where it _can_ be useful. Python _is_ useful on Win32
systems and _is_ used by many programmers _on_ Win32 systems.

Or do you define "permeate" as a more insidious, intrusive, and/or
counterproductive phenomenon?

> we need the ability to convert it into a native executable (I
> have taken a look at some of the limited solutions available
> from individuals). I read somewhere, it may never be possible
> in Python. Can anyone throw light on this?

Of course Python can be compiled. Possibly not to your executable-
size expectations, but the same can be said of compiling Perl. They
are both far too dynamic to compile as compactly as C/C++ without
loosing much of their functionality, nor was this ever the goal.

> Most commercial applications wouldn't want to expose the source
> code or even leave it as byte-code

And most Windows users vastly overestimate the effectiveness of
native binary executables. Compiling (now less than ever) does not
protect your source code near as well as many users think.

Most applications would be much better served by a good software
license, which, while not "hiding" your source, _does_ accomplish the

    1) makes using your source a punishable crime
    2) makes an _attempt_ to decompile/disassemble your code a
       punishable crime.

> (Note: ActiveState has announced a compiler for Perl)

And ActiveState will no doubt announce a compiler for Python.

>  2. Absence of a standard GUI, which really fits the major
> platforms.  For a lanuage like Python, this is really a
> handicap. Would I do it in Tkinter on Windows? No way.

Por que no? Tcl/Tk comes standard on most linux boxes (esp. if they
have Python standard, and many do). It also comes with any Tkinter-
enabled package for Win32 from ActiveState. I've had great success
writing a Tkinter app on Windows 98, ftp'ing it to my linux box, and
running it there. Tkinter has been the standard GUI for quite some
time now.

Personally, I'd like to see wxPython as a standard GUI, but there
hasn't been enough of a call to change it from the masses. (There
have, however, been quite a few people complaining about Python GUIs;
this is less than helpful.)

>  3. Does the community see Python as a full-fledged programming
> language?


[ snipped more obvious troll bait ]

Tim Hammerquist
We all know linux is does infinite loops in 5 seconds.
    -- Linus Torvalds

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