Let's make Python really strict about indentation

Tim Hammerquist tim at vegeta.ath.cx
Sat Dec 1 16:24:11 EST 2001

Courageous <jkraska at san.rr.com> graced us by uttering:
[ snip ]
> While I am sure most people understood what you meant, to be
> clear, you must have certainly meant that your editor "replaces
> a tab, when struck, with enough spaces to get to the next tab
> stop."

One could always (in vi + *nix):

    :%!expand -t 4<CR>

Tim Hammerquist
Debugging is easy--just carve pieces off of a block of bug till what
you have left looks like a mistake.  :-)
    -- Larry Wall in <199911241757.JAA23712 at kiev.wall.org>

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