Calling a generator multiple times

Courageous jkraska at
Sun Dec 9 00:50:21 EST 2001

>I have no idea what you mean with that last sentence. I think all
>that Guido tried to say is something like "We could do A or we
>could do B. Arguments either way aren't completely convincing,
>so I'll just do whatever I think is best." What's so bad about

What's bad about that is pointing people to the PEP and expecting
that it will settle a marked difference of opinion. Furthermore,
I would suggest that if over time I am not alone in raising my
exasperation here in comp.lang.python that the benevolent powers
that be consider that for every poster there exist a hundred in
agreement who don't post, and likewise that perhaps "language
designer's intuition" can sometimes be clouded by the myopathy
that sometimes exists in those who are very close to what it is
they are passing judgement on.

Those who say "work with this some, you'll get used to it" are
far from the point. Python is not supposed to be an environment
where you "get used to it". Unexpected variation in primary
function with identical syntax is begging for trouble. The
principle of least surprise is not being served.

Something that was contentious enough to be discussed "1000
times" in the mailing list is certainly something you are going
to be hearing more about again.


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