/usr/bin/env: python: No such file or directory

Thomas Bellman bellman at lysator.liu.se
Thu Dec 20 20:55:05 EST 2001

Chris Barker <chrishbarker at attbi.com> wrote:

> How would the interpreter know what version was required? That's exactly
> what I think we need...A way to tell the interpreter what version is
> required by a script.

So, your script requires Python version 2.5 to run, but won't run on
2.4 or 2.6.  But is that version 2.5 of the language specification, or
is that version 2.5 of Guido's Python interpreter (which implements
version 2.4 of the language spec)?  Or is it perhaps version 2.5 of
the Jython interpreter (which implements some features from version
2.6 of the language spec, but misses some features that came back in
version 2.3)?

Well, assume that we could resolve that.  But your script also
requires PIL of a version between 2.718 and 3.142; except versions
3.000 through 3.013, which inadvertently broke compatibility in
some obscure corner which you were using.

And it also wants to talk to an Informix database.  Version 9, but
version 10 won't do.  Some versions of Oracle or PostgreSQL might
also work well...

Thomas Bellman,   Lysator Computer Club,   Linköping University,  Sweden
"Adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit"       ! bellman @ lysator.liu.se
          (From The Mythical Man-Month)       ! Make Love -- Nicht Wahr!

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