Troubleshoot: Problem getting Tkinter to work with Python 2.2C1 on Linux

Dan Compton coca at
Fri Dec 21 00:25:18 EST 2001

I built python 2.2 release candidate 1 on my Linux laptop (Mandrake
8.0 distro) after reading everything in the README file in the root of
the source tree.  I tried importing Tkinter after testing other
modules successfully and found that it wasn't able to be found by the
interpreter so I backtracked and read the README regarding Tkinter
again.  I had already uncommented the relevant lines in the
Modules/Setup file but I went back and double checked everything
looked correct and it was.  I read that you should try to perform a
"make install libinstall" under the Tkinter section if it was
recognized and so I did that but it pretty much looked as if it was
the same process as "make install" and after it finished and I tested
it, Tkinter was still no where to be found.  The make process built
_tkinter to my knowledge and the make install or make install
libinstall should have linked the Tkinter module to _tkinter.  Then I
noticed that _tkinter wasn't able to found either when I tried
importing it.  Well I am lost now and don't know what to do to get
this to work... help, please :)


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