py2exe question

Syver Enstad syver-en+usenet at
Sun Dec 9 13:24:04 EST 2001

Gordon McMillan <gmcm at> writes:
> Syver Enstad wrote:
> > My question on py2exe is: Is it possible to make an exe that
> searches
> > the normal sys.path for modules that doesn't exist in the exefile
> > itself?
> First of all, the whole point of py2exe / Installer is to be able to
> run a "frozen" app from one Python version on a system that may have
> another Python version installed. If a Python 1.5 app tried to use
> the lib from a Python 2.1 installation, it would probably die.

I am aware of that, and also that I am using py2exe evt. Installer for
something that it was not designed to do. That fact is also the reason
why I am asking in this newsgroup. 

The reason why I am trying to make
an exe with python is not to accomodate people who does not have
python installed but a closer integration with what my operative
system (win2k) and programs running under that os treats as a full
blown executable. 

I have done the best I can to make python scripts full fledged
executables under my os, but it's not quite there. In some situations
I'll have to resort to batch files to convince another program that
accepts an executable, to run my python scripts. This is not a good
solution as .bat files open up console windows of their own, and it is
overhead that makes using python a little bit less attractive because
of it's non "plug and play" nature.

 Another issue would be that using py2exe (or something equivalent)
could make it easy to distribute tools together with their "private
modules", but rely on an existing python installation for the std
library and additional modules that are fairly standard, like Numeric,
PIL, win32all and suchlike. This would make the python program, small,
easy to use, and completely integrated as a full blown executable
under the windows api's.


Vennlig hilsen 

Syver Enstad

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