Distutils bdist_rpm missing licence option?

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Mon Dec 3 07:06:47 EST 2001

Tom Bryan <tbryan at python.net> writes:

> I'm using Distutils-1.0.2 with Python-1.5.2.  I'm trying to build an RPM 
> for PyUnit.  Here's my .cfg file
> # pyunit Distutils configuration file
> [bdist_rpm]
> licence = Python License
> long_description = This package contains PyUnit, a unit testing framework \
>         for Python. PyUnit is a standard library in Python 2.1, but it needs \
>         to be installed separately for Python 1.5.2.
> release = 1
> vendor = Ecoaccess.org
> packager = Tom Bryan <tbryan at python.net>

A wild guess, but could you put the licence option somewhere global to
distutils rather than specific to bdist_rpm?

This is inspired by finding:

            'Copyright: ' + self.distribution.get_license(),
            'Group: ' + self.group,
            'BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot',
            'Prefix: %{_prefix}', ])

in Lib/distutils/command/bdist_rpm.py in CVS.


  I'm okay with intellegent buildings, I'm okay with non-sentient
  buildings. I have serious reservations about stupid buildings.
     -- Dan Sheppard, ucam.chat (from Owen Dunn's summary of the year)

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