jpeg files displayed in a loop

Wolfgang Teschner wtr at
Tue Dec 11 15:45:42 EST 2001

Hello, Kevin,
thank you very much for your long example!
I should try that immediately (well, now I seem to have even TWO ways
of doing it!).
It looks promising!

Thank you all,

On 11 Dec 2001 12:03:19 -0800, kevin at (Kevin Cazabon)

>import Tkinter
>import Image, ImageTk
>import os
>def showimage():
>    image = pop(files)
>    files.append(image)
>    image = ImageTk.photoimage( #ok, do try/except
>    b.configure(image=image)
>    b.update_idletasks()
>    b.after(1000, showimage)
>a =
>b = Tkinter.label(a)
>files = os.listdir(dir) # ok, check them for file types...
>while 1:
>    showimage()
># ok, probably a couple minor typos, but it should be that simple.
>Kevin Cazabon.
>kevin at
>Wolfgang Teschner <wtr at> wrote in message news:<rp8a1u82me3g8v8ievtfjve9llbodq6rau at>...
>> Hi,
>> I want to automatically display all jpeg files of a dir in a long
>> loop, with a wait time between the different displays. Just that.
>> No user input.
>> With PIL, it seems to be impossible because of TKinters mainloop.
>> Are there other ways/packages for this purpose? Just displaying the
>> images as they are...
>> platform is win32, but I would be interested for independant
>> solutions, if they exist.
>> Thanks,
>> wolfgang teschner

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