Read and Print ASCII >128 as is in cp437 on DOT-MATRIX printer or file regardless local setting

Hrvoje TerĨek hrvoje.tercek at
Thu Dec 13 09:18:56 EST 2001

Pleas could You help me about my problem?


Summary:    Read and Print ASCII >128 as is in cp437 regardless local setting !

System:       Win2000, Linux ; locals-cp1250 

Status:         URGENT



I have to wrote report generator. For this purpose must be able to read and print ASCII characters > 128. Not to mention that I need characters from US ASCII found in Pithon21/Lib/encodings/ I'd tried all encode, decode, codecs trick I have found on Internet but always the same. ' ASCII is bigger then 128 !!!'. 

Also I have print template file written with Notepad (witch can exactly reproduce characters such ALT+218) witch I read, manipulate end print from python. I couldn't trick python to not encode read characters such ALT+218 in same utf-8 three characters for any ASCII > 128. 

Yes it must be something with locale settings or else but isn't it some easy-normal way.


Thanks, at front 


Yours Python fan,

Hrvoje Tercek


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