Learning resources needed

Ron Stephens rdsteph at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 5 07:37:53 EST 2001

You might want to look at my book reviews at http://www.awaretek.com/plf.html
Also some gui stuff

Duke wrote:

> I am looking to learn Python/Tkinter.  I'm a competent C/C++/Java
> programmer, however I don't have any experience with Tcl/Tk.  I think I can
> easily pick up Python from the stuff I found linked on python.org, however I
> would be interested in any or all resources specifically addressing
> Tkinter - if there are any which cater to a beginning Python user, all the
> better.
> The other alternative is to buy a book.  There only seems to be one specific
> to this (Python and Tkinter Programming, John E. Grayson) and it's gotten
> mixed reviews as far as I can tell.  Should I give Tcl a shot as well?
> Seems to me that Python is, in a way, competing with Tcl as the scripting
> engine behind the Tk toolkit.  If I learn Tcl/Tk first would it be
> relatively simple to move over to Python/Tkinter?
> And oh yeah, I've always hated GOOEY programming and this is the first
> compromise I am willing to make to get something going on the
> non-command-line front ;)
> Thx.
> P.S.  Anyone recommending vxPython instead?  My main gripe would be that it
> wouldn't run in KDE while Tkinter should run in both it & GNOME.  Easy[er]
> Windblows client libs install is a plus.

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