Deprecate tabs for indenting (was Re: Indenting with tabs vs spaces)

Jeff Hinrichs jlh at
Sun Dec 2 21:13:37 EST 2001

my 0.02$US:
Actually, spaces are the problems not tabs.  A tab is a tab, where is
indenting by spaces....hmm.
let's see, I like 4 spaces, he like 8 and she likes 6 and so on.  That
causes more grief than tabs.
Where as tabs, 1 tab = 1st level block, 2 tabs = 2nd level block and so on.

Maybe if people didn't use such brain dead editors that actually replaced
tabs with spaces this would be a complete non-issue.  You should be able to
configure your editor to display tabs in a width that is to your liking
WITHOUT mucking with the data.  As it is, we are doomed to listen to this
argument go on ad nauseum.


"and that's all I have to say about that"
- Forest Gump

> >     You'll not find tabs in any code that I touch.  Literally.  I've got
> > editor configured to save spaces, not tabs.
> Same here.
> I am just wondering that if letting people actually use tabs
> is causing trouble, why not get rid of that "feature".

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