PythonCard, ease of use, and the GUI problem/opportunity/niche

Hans Nowak wurmy at
Sat Dec 29 01:41:40 EST 2001

Ron Stephens wrote:

[an easy-to-use GUI builder]
> The only hope that I know of right now is PythonCard, only a six month old project led by Kevin Altis. I
> really admire Kevin and his team and I admire this project. I think they are ace coders (especially Kevin )
> who are capable of doing what needs getting done. But I am afraid they will miss the mark, partly for the same
> reason as Zope has its detractors, namely, lack of good, easy to use documentation for learning and using the
> language.

There's also Boa Constructor, which looks very promising, but
unfortunately it has the same state as PythonCard... pre-alpha.
If this ever really gets off the ground, it will be like having
a Delphi using Python rather than Pascal.

The current CVS version doesn't like wxPython 2.3.2, though. So
I couldn't test the latest code. :-(


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