SQLBase - Support?

Gerhard Häring gh_pythonlist at gmx.de
Sun Dec 23 16:47:20 EST 2001

Le 23/12/01 à 19:22, Nicolas Keller écrivit:
> Hi!
> I'm looking for a possibility to connect to a Gupta SQLBase Server with
> Python. As the application will run under Linux (and Zope for the frontend)
> I guess that it's not possible to use ODBC?
> Any hints?

It should be possible if there is a Gupta ODBC driver for Linux.

In case the Gupta SQL server runs on Windows, you could perhaps use an
ODBC-ODBC bridge.

mail:   gerhard <at> bigfoot <dot> de       registered Linux user #64239
web:    http://www.cs.fhm.edu/~ifw00065/    OpenPGP public key id 86AB43C0
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