Why doesn't default property invoke for if statement?

Duffy O'Craven dufw1 at quinda.com
Wed Dec 12 11:02:49 EST 2001

When using my component, I am hoping to avoid making script writing
error-prone. So I want to require exactly the same expression for print as
for anywhere else in the script. But I am also hoping that reference to an
object, which in many contexts is just a boolean, can use the default
binding id(0) aspect of COM. Unfortunately

     if  Trans.Status.Value:
       print Trans.Status

     print "case 2",
     if 0 != Trans.Status:
       print Trans.Status

     print "case 3",
     if Trans.Status:
       print Trans.Status

case 2 0
case 3 0

I think that        print Trans.Status
invokes the default property of Status, which is Status.Value, but
I think that        if  Trans.Status:
does not.

Status is of type
 interface IEnum : IDispatch
  [propget, id(1), helpstring("property Text")] HRESULT Text([out, retval]
BSTR *pVal);
  [propput, id(1), helpstring("property Text")] HRESULT Text([in] BSTR
  [propget, id(0), helpstring("property Value")] HRESULT Value([out, retval]
long *pVal);
  [propput, id(0), helpstring("property Value")] HRESULT Value([in] long

an excerpt of the the type of Trans is:
 interface ITransaction : IDispatch
  [propget, id(5), helpstring("property Status")] HRESULT Status([out,
retval] IEnum* *pVal);

Why doesn't the default binding property invoke for if statement? Can I
achieve my goal of exactly the same expression for print as for anywhere
else in the script?
          - Duffy O'Craven

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