getting the name of a variable

Daniel Klein danielk at
Thu Dec 6 09:03:11 EST 2001

Assuming the variable is user-defined (not in __builtins__) and is not
local to the function/method...

>>> x = 42
>>> y = ['a','b','c']
>>> def varname(var):
	print str(var) + " : " + str(globals()[var])

>>> varname('x')
x : 42
>>> varname('y')
y : ['a', 'b', 'c']

Daniel Klein

On 6 Dec 2001 04:47:37 -0800, sandskyfly at (Sandy Norton)

>When I'm debugging I'm always sticking stuff like "print 'x:', x" in my code.
>So is there a handy function that will print a variable name and value such that: 
>>>> def print_var_name_and_value(var):
>            "prints variable name : value"
>            <implemention>
>>>> variable = 'me var'
>>>> print_var_name_and_value(variable)
>variable : me var
>Any responses, pointers, hints would be much appreciated.

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