Distutils question

Fernando Pérez fperez528 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 19 13:42:15 EST 2001

I have the following problem with distutils: I want to put a certain 
directory with data files in a place where, after installation, my Python 
code will be able to find it.

The problem with the data_files option is that things can end up in places 
that depend on python config details (/usr, /usr/local, etc) and later my 
running script will have no way of knowing where to find the information. 

I'm sure that people who have used distutils for big projects have run into 
this, but the distutils docs are very limited. The problem is in general: how 
to distribute data files which your own programs will later need to acces? 
data_files is ok for docs and similar things, and scripts and package are 
fine for python code, but what do I do for other data?

Sorry if there's a simple way out of this, but I've been ploughing through 
the distutils docs and source and can't find a clean answer.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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