introduction to xml in python

John Hunter jdhunter at
Sun Dec 30 21:35:44 EST 2001

>>>>> "Rajarshi" == Rajarshi Guha <rxg218 at> writes:

    Rajarshi> Hi, could somebody point me to some code/tutorial
    Rajarshi> describing how to use Python to parse XML - I tried
    Rajarshi> delving into the Python docs, but it seems
    Rajarshi> confusing. Whats the difference between expat and sax?
    Rajarshi> How can I generate a parsers etc.

expat is a XML parser by James Clark written in C.  SAX (Simple API
XML) is an event driven API for XML parsing.  You may need to do a
little background research on XML parsing and event driven parsers
before the python docs will start tom make sense to you.

You may be interested in, which provides a set
of XML tools for use in python.

There is also at least one book devoted to XML in python:,,store-562_banner-0_isbn-0130211192,00.html

Have fun,
John Hunter

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