Why ASP <%@ %> does not work

Yann Schwartz yartz at imaginet.fr
Mon Feb 19 02:06:02 EST 2001

On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 04:22:34 GMT, costas at springmail.com (Costas
Menico) wrote:

> I am trying to execute the following page in PWS which contains
>Python ASP. However it does not execute to display the "text".
> I have installed the latest  ActivePython .  Is there some registry
>setting that I should be dong? I know <SCRIPT language=Python> works.
><h1>Querying database</h1>
><%@ LANGUAGE = Python%>
><%= text%>
>Any ideas?

The compilation directive
must be the first line of the ASP script (even before any HTML). Using
Python or not has nothing to do with it.

Your page should look like :

><%@ LANGUAGE = Python%>
><h1>Querying database</h1>
><%= text%>

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