Ng Pheng Siong ngps at
Fri Feb 2 22:55:05 EST 2001

According to Clarence Gardner  <clarence at>:
>   - The 2.0 stuff doesn't include a shutdown method.  I had one in
>     my implementation, but since I didn't know what I was doing, I
>     just had it do a shutdown on the socket.  It worked, but is
>     clearly wrong.

M2Crypto provides a shutdown() method for an SSL socket which calls
SSL_shutdown() which DTRT.

>   - As far as I can tell, the 2.0 stuff only allows the Python program
>     to act as a client.  Remembering my trial-and-error method of
>     implementing server side, I can see why.  :)

M2Crypto supports forking, threading, and async-io servers. 

(Sorry for the commercial. ;-)

> I noticed that the M2Crypto code that was posted still, at the Python
> level, doesn't treat encrypted sockets the same as the others (e.g.,
> returning a None result in some circumstances).  

None is overloaded to mean "try again" in non-blocking mode only.
In blocking mode OpenSSL promises (heh) to not reach that code path.

I could've invented an arbitrary object type, or return a tuple 
(return status, data), but they seem like too much work. So I overload
None. ;-)

> It seems to me that the application probably just
> cares about whether it can communicate with the other end, not which of
> the zillion different ways an ssl channel can go wrong.

I disagree. Since you're using SSL, presumably you care about security.
An unexpected shutdown on the other side is a security event, and you'll
want to know about it.


Ng Pheng Siong <ngps at> *

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