Closing a file before or after return?

Nicola Musatti objectway at
Fri Feb 9 09:20:10 EST 2001

Hi, I'm not even a newbie, but I'll venture an answer.

Gustaf Liljegren wrote:
> I'm using Python 2.0.
> Have a look at this function. It checks if a particular user (mail adress)
> exist in a .htpasswd file. The user name is what comes before ':' on each
> line.
> # Check if user exists
> def user_exist(user):
>   f = open('.htpasswd', 'r')
>   for line in f.readlines():
>     i = string.find(line, ':')
>     if line[:i] == user:
        ret = 1
      ret = 0
    return ret

Best regards,
Nicola Musatti

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