A special Python with microthreads?

Will Ware wware at world.std.com
Fri Feb 9 08:56:52 EST 2001

Zamurai (zamurai at gmx.net) wrote:
> I've heard about a special Python which can use microthreads.
> Can anyone tell me, where I can get it and wether the developing
> group has a homepage?

Try http://www.stackless.com/
There you will find sources and executables for Windows and Linux.

import string,time,os;print string.join((lambda x:x[:10]+x[8:])(map(
lambda x:string.center("*"*(lambda x:((x<24) ### Seasons Greetings, Will Ware
*(x-3))+3)(x),24),range(1,28, 2))),"\n") ################ wware at world.std.com

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