segfault. which module to blame?

D-Man dsh8290 at
Thu Feb 15 20:01:54 EST 2001

$ gdb `which python` core
<startup info from gdb>
gdb> backtrace
<backtrace from gdb>

Basically  gdb <executable image> <corefile>  will load the
executable's symbols (assuming it has some) and the core file.  It
will warn you if the exe has no symbols, or if the core came from a
different exe.  Backtrace will give you a trace similar to when a
python exception isn't caught (except it is for C, and thus much lower
level detail).

DDD (from is a nice (except that is uses motif) gui frontend
for gdb that will make browsing symbols, etc much easier (and you
won't need to learn yet another command line, yet).


On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 11:10:51PM +0000, Dan Parisien wrote:
| I am using shelve and a lot of threads to write to a dbm db. I implemented 
| my own row-level locking with dictionaries and counters and when I run a 
| test script that simulates extreme conditions (1500 threads, 10 writes 
| each) it segfaults 1/100 times it runs.
| That kinda sucks, don't you think? I'm wondering if someone who has 
| experience could point me to which module is at fault: threading? or 
| shelve+dbm? or neither? :) Or maybe some technique on how to crawl through 
| the core file (I'm on mandrake gnu/linux 7.2 python 2.0.1)
| I'm not expecting a correct answer, just a point in the right directions
| Thank you :)
| Dan

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