[Q] how to protect python program from decompilation

Carel Fellinger cfelling at iae.nl
Sun Feb 18 15:02:40 EST 2001

Tim Peters <tim.one at home.com> wrote:
> It's much better to assume your code *will* be reverse-engineered (simply
> because it will be).  Then the focus shifts to dreaming up ways to prove
> infringement of your license.  An effective way is (no kidding) to build in
> subtle bugs.  If a competitor develops the same set of subtle bugs later,
> they're holding a smoking gun.

Oh, that's why closed source software is so buggy compared to open
software, they're merely protecting their code-base:)

> for-the-same-reason-when-i-was-growing-up-the-regional-map-showed-
>     a-river-in-my-neighborhood-that-never-existed-ly y'rs  - tim

The same holds for dictionaries.

groetjes, carel

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