base64.decodestring or xmlrpc (in zope) is truncating strings

Craig Dunigan faraway at
Wed Feb 21 16:42:12 EST 2001

"Fredrik Lundh" <fredrik at> wrote in message
news:hNVk6.14872$Qb7.2374586 at
> Craig Dunigan wrote:
> >   meta_type = fileObject.meta_type
> >   if meta_type == 'DTML Document':
> >     return ("OK", base64.encodestring(fileObject.document_src()))
> >   elif meta_type == 'File':
> >     return ("OK", base64.encodestring(
> >   elif meta_type == 'Image':
> >     return ("OK", base64.encodestring(
> >   else:
> >     return ("FAIL", 'Unsupported meta_type')
> xmlrpc usage note: instead of encoding and decoding yourself,
> you can use the xmlrpclib.Binary wrapper:
>     if meta_type == 'DTML Document':
>         return ("OK", xmlrpclib.Binary(fileObject.document_src())
>     elif meta_type in ('File', 'Image'):
>         return ("OK", xmlrpclib.Binary(
>     else:
>         return ("FAIL", 'Unsupported meta_type')
> the receiver gets a Binary object as well, and can pick out
> the original string from the data attribute:
>     if retval[0] == "OK":
>         return retval[1].data

I wasn't familiar with this, I'll look into it.  It may resolve the problem.

> > the calling object of "getFile" does a write to the local filesystem
> ...which usually means that you forgot to open the file in
> binary mode:

Often true, but not in this case.  And, as I noted in my original post, I
can verify that the decoded string isn't the right length before it even
gets passed to the calling object.  Anyway, the writing object code is:

  def addFile(self, pathSpec, fileName, contents, timeStamp, title,
    fullFileSpec = os.path.join(pathSpec, fileName)
    file = open(fullFileSpec, "wb")
    os.utime(fullFileSpec, (int(timeStamp), int(timeStamp)))

"contents" ultimately gets passed from the base64 decode, which is wrong
before its object ever passes it anywhere.  But, thanks for the xmlrpclib
tip, I'll test that out.

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