speed comparison of IDL, numPy, Matlab

Benyang Tang btang at pacific.jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Feb 5 13:18:04 EST 2001

Out of curiosity, I did a quick benchmark test of IDL, NumPy and Matlab on my
desktop machine. I know benchmarking is a complicated issue; don't take my
naive test too serious.

Conditions of the test:

* Machine: a dual Intel Xeon 550 MHz box with 1GB ram, running RedHat Linux
6.2. The machine was not doing any serious service, so the test code should
have had close to 100% of the resources.

* IDL, version 5.3

* Python version 1.5.2; NumPy release 15.3-1

* Matlab version 5.3

* For each code, I ran it several times so the timing became somewhat stable. I
just took the last reading; for the size of 600X600, timing fluctuation of
less than 2% was observed.

* All tests were done in a period of 20 minutes; within this period the
following data were collected. About 2 hours later, I redid the tests and
obtained similar results.

Timing (in seconds) of matrix multiplication of 2 m-by-m matrixes

m       100   200   300   400   500  600
     single precision
IDL    0.02  0.12  0.54  1.83  4.06  6.90
NumPy  0.01  0.12  0.46  1.37  3.05  5.49
Matlab           (1)

     double precision
IDL    0.04  0.41  1.89  5.14 10.72 18.61
NumPy  0.02  0.16  0.97  2.50  5.05  8.75
Matlab 0.01  0.15  0.94  2.50  4.90  8.69
m       100   200   300   400   500  600

(1) Matlab does not do single-precision calculation.

What the tests tell:
1) NumPy is about as fast as Matlab;
2) NumPy is about 25% faster (in single precision), or more than 100% faster
(in double precision) than IDL.

Here are the codes (for the double precision test):

for m = 100,600,100 do begin
  a = double(randomn(0,m,m))
  b = double(randomn(0,m,m))

  time0 = systime(1)
  c = a##b
  dtime = systime(1)-time0

  print, string(m,m,dtime, format='("multiplication of " ,i3, "X", i3, " matrixes takes ", f5.2)')

from Numeric import *
from RandomArray import *
import time

for m in [100,200,300,400,500,600]:
  a= uniform(-1,1,(m,m,))
  b= uniform(-1,1,(m,m,))

  time0 = time.time()
  c = matrixmultiply(a,b)
  dtime = time.time() - time0

  print 'multiplication of %dX%d matrixes takes %5.2f' %(m,m,dtime)

for m = [100 200 300 400 500 600];
  a = randn(m);
  b = randn(m);

  time0 = clock;
  c = a*b;
  dtime = etime(clock,time0);

  fprintf('multiplication of %dX%d matrixes takes %5.2f\n', m,m,dtime)

<> Benyang Tang                              
<> 300-323, JPL     
<> 4800 Oak Grove Drive      
<> Pasadena, CA 91109, USA

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