Newbie needs help on Python CGI scripts

Steven Friedman sfriedman at
Tue Feb 27 22:48:32 EST 2001

I am a complete newbie when it comes to CGI and scripting. I am trying to
test out some scripts running Savant Server on a Windows 98 machine. Since I
only want to learn CGI scripting this seems a perfectly acceptable soltion.
Unfortunately everything I read seems to assume a UNIX server. Could someone
PLEASE help me get things set right.

1. What and where do I need to set a path and where does my Python20.exe
need to be.
2. How do I configure my server to tell it how to execute the file.
3. from what in my browser do I actually call the script? An HTML doc?

Please be patient with me, its my first time at CGI.

Thanks in advance

sfriedman at

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