Swalow: Where to get packages?

A.M. Kuchling amk at mira.erols.com
Wed Feb 28 07:47:17 EST 2001

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001 02:09:25 -0700, Sean Reifschneider <jafo at tummy.com> wrote:
>don't know about?  What about the Vaults, any way to get information from
>them?  At the very least I need to know:

Write Timothy Middleton, VoP's maintainer.  Some HTML dumps of the
data are available, which could be parsed, but I can't recall the URL
and also don't know if Timothy wants their location to be handed

Most of my code now uses Distutils -- poke around www.amk.ca/files/ --
but don't use the zodb package, because it has a weird special


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