Some basic questions about Tkinter (probably v easy for experts!)

Neil Cerutti cerutti at
Wed Feb 7 08:41:56 EST 2001

Martyn Quick posted:
>(1) If I am going to use Pmw, then I need to have Tkinter
>installed.  But do I need to understand how to use Tkinter (at
>least to a basic degree) before I can use Pmw?

Yes, definitely. Pmw adds more widgets to your toolbox, but they
act like Tkinter widgets in every way.

For the rest of your questions, the easiest thing will be to

In particular, read Section 1, "Introducing Tkinter". But don't
only read it; also open a Python interpreter (a simple CLI will
work best), and type in the examples as they appear in the

Neil Cerutti <cerutti at>

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