Utility for showing script execution?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Thu Feb 15 02:45:50 EST 2001

Paul F. Dubois wrote:
> I'm looking for a utility that will take a Python .py file and execute it,
> producing output that shows the "input" lines, marked with a prompt, and
> then the resulting output, so that one has an output text file that
> simulates what a user would see. Surely someone already did this?

of course!

# adapted from code-example-1.py in
# the eff-bot guide to the python standard library

import code
import string

SCRIPT = """
a = 5
for i in range(a):
    print i
print 'hello'

chunk = ""
for line in string.split(SCRIPT, "\n"):
    chunk = chunk + line + "\n"
    co = code.compile_command(chunk, "<stdin>", "exec")
    if co:
        # got a complete statement.  execute it!
        prompt = ">>>"
        if string.count(chunk, "\n") == 1:
            print prompt, chunk,
            for line in string.split(chunk, "\n"):
                print prompt, line
                prompt = "..."
        exec co
        chunk = ""

Cheers /F

<!-- (the eff-bot guide to) the standard python library:

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