problem with import cephes under windowsNT

Mark Hammond MarkH at
Tue Feb 13 02:34:11 EST 2001

qiang wrote:

> I am a newbie. I tried to import cephes module under windowsNT but kept
> getting error messages saying
> "ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found."
> I have tried to place cephes.pyd in various paths including
> c:\python20\dlls and c:\python20 with no success.
> Perhaps someone can point out the problem?

This generally means that cephes.pyd is dependent on _another_ DLL, and that DLL can't be found.

If you have msvc, run "dumpbin /imports cephes.pyd | grep -i dll" and you will get a reasonable list...  There are also freeware programs around that can tell you dependencies in a much nicer way, but I don't use one.


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