smtp mail with attachment

Barry A. Warsaw barry at
Fri Feb 9 10:32:22 EST 2001

>>>>> "SH" == Scott Hathaway <slhath at> writes:

    SH> How do I send an email with an attachment with python (I need
    SH> a cross platform solution for Windows and Unix)?

Other people have made good suggestions in separate followups.  I just
add that I'm working on a new library to deal with MIME documents
(well, any rfc822 style message, but MIME is the really interesting
bit).  I will be using this library in the next release of Mailman,
and hope eventually to get it into Python's standard library.  For
now, you can find out more at:

Look for `mimelib'.  I will likely have a 0.2 release sometime soon.


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