What to do after Python?
Hannah Schroeter
hannah at schlund.de
Mon Feb 19 10:14:35 EST 2001
In article <q4bv8t8vc494qq2mqnqkpsu9l162q9rv31 at 4ax.com>,
Fernando RodrÃguez <spamers at must.die> wrote:
>Remember that there's much more to programming than just learning the syntax
>of different languages. If you're new to programming, you should first learn
>some basic concepts. Good beginers books are: "Simply Scheme: Introducing
>computer science" and "The Schemer's Guide". Both use a lisp dialect called
>Scheme, that should be easy to undertand (sort of Python with extra
Then, you should also suggest "Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Kind regards,
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