Memory leak when spawning

Tim Peters tim_one at
Thu Feb 15 19:04:34 EST 2001

[Steve Purcell]
> Indeed. That got me thinking; is it defined how the following
> should work?
>   (blah, blah, blah) = (1,2,3)
> I get blah == 3.

Yes, left-to-right is the defined order of sequence assignment.

> I won't lose sleep over it...

You would if you thought more about it <wink>.  For example,

>>> a = [0]*5
>>> i, a[i] = 2, 666
>>> a
[0, 0, 666, 0, 0]

Python (unlike most other languages) defines this stuff so you don't get
surprises across releaess or platforms, but some people just can't resist
the temptation to *rely* on obscure side effects.  Luckily, they're tracked
down and killed just as fast as the PSU finds t

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